Get to Know Me - Your Local Sherwood Park Photographer

September 17th, 2023

Hello there, welcome to my world of photography. My name is not as important as the story I want to share with you, the story of my journey with the lens. I reside in the beautiful community of Sherwood Park, Alberta, surrounded by nature's beauty, which often becomes the canvas for my work. What got me started in photography was a desire stronger than anything else - the desire to freeze time. To capture those transient moments of joy, love, and laughter with the ones I hold dear.


But who am I beyond the lens? Well, before the camera came into my life, there was another love. The ball diamond. From the tender age of 3, I've played fastball and slo-pitch, and to this day, stepping onto the field brings a sense of joy and nostalgia. The diamond was my first love, and it continues to hold a special place in my heart.


When I'm not capturing moments or hitting home runs, you'll find me indulging in some of my other passions. I love a good beer, there's something about that hoppy taste that just resonates with me. I'm also quite the line-dancer. The rhythm, the coordination, the collective spirit, it's intoxicating!


However, the best times are undoubtedly those spent with my family. Playing with my husband and kids, sharing laughter, creating memories, these are the moments I live for. In many ways, they are my constant source of inspiration, my models, my critics, my biggest fans.


Through this blog, I hope to share with you not just my work, but also my journey, my learnings, and my life in Sherwood Park. So, welcome aboard, let's make the most of these moments, one frame at a time.

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